Honey bee veterinary kit
This page contains the items included in a field kit designed for veterinary practitioners to inspect honey bee colonies and perform basic field tests and sample collection. This kit was designed by a team of extension specialists and educators through a grant to train veterinary practitioners in honey bee medicine. This team hosted multiple hands-on clinics for veterinary practitioners in the summer of 2023 and handed out this kit.
- If you would like further information on how to host a clinic for veterinarians, contact the program PI: Meghan Milbrath / 517-884-9518 / mpi@msu.edu
- If you would like to purchase kit contents in bulk, view the amazon cart that is filled with items used in the kit - https://a.co/3lwoxp9
Items included in the kit:
Beekeeping equipment
- Hive tool - Short flat pry bar, used to pry open hive boxes and remove frames
- Beekeeping veil - PPE to cover face while inspecting a hive.
Diagnostic equipment
- Mite check kit - Used to estimate the infestation of varroa mites on adult bees using an alcohol
- Plastic jar with mesh lid (size 8 hardware cloth)
- 1/2 cup flat-sided scoop
- Lateral flow devices for American foulbrood (AFB) and European foul brood (EFB) - Disease-specific field test to diagnose a sample of brood with AFB and EFB.
- Blacklight flashlight - Field test to examine frame for American foulbrood scales.
- Holst milk test kit- Field test to diagnose a sample of brood with AFB.
- Falcon tube
- Non-fat dry milk
Support diagnostic equipment
- Plastic container - Hold kit supplies, visualizing results of mite check test
- Ziplock bag - Hold kit contents when using container for mite checks
- Disposable tweezers - Open and collect brood cells to inspect potentially diseased brood.
- Magnifying glass - Magnify view of potentially diseased brood or other items in a colony. Counting mites from mite check.
- Flashlight - Increase ability to see in cells in flat lighting.
Printed resources
- PennState's A field guide to honey bees and their maladies - Provides information accessible in the field on honey bee diseases and pests.
- PennState's Quick Reference Guide - Provides quick information on parasites, pests, predators, and disease.
- Sting guide - Provide information on honey bee stings, including what to expect when stung and how to manage stings.
- Pre-printed address stickers - To be used when sending samples to USDA-ARS Beltsville lab for diagnosis.
- Honey Bee Health Coalition's Varroa management guide - A guide on varroa mite management, including treatments and their applications.
Items not included in the kit:
- Personal protective equipment
- Beekeeping jacket, or suit
- Nitrile gloves
- Beekeeping equipment
- Smoker
- Smoker fuel
- Lighter
- Diagnostic equipment
- Water (for Holst milk test)
- Isopropyl alcohol for mite check test