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Bees Need Vets

Resources for veterinarians helping bees.

Keep Bees Alive

Resources to support and guide beekeepers who have lost colonies so they can determine the cause of death, and take actions to prevent the same stresses from affecting future colonies.

Michigan Bumble Bees - MNFI

Michigan Natural Features Inventory maintains a database of information and resources to support and conserve Michigan's bumble bee species. 

Michigan Local Nuc program

Resources to promote a local nuc program. 


Resources and updates on the Michigan Pollinator Protection Plan.

The Northern Bee Network

The Northern Bee Network is an organization designed to support beekeepers in the Northern states by promoting collaboration between beekeepers and by providing resources for more sustainable beekeeping.

Pollinator Champions

Become a champion for pollinators! Pollinator Champions is a free, self-paced online course offered by Michigan State University. The course is packed full of videos, articles, and fun activities to guide you through the amazing world of pollinators and pollination.